More late holiday art heh...Javi with her slutty Reindeer~ ;3

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Doodled & 's adorable slutty son

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Jordan asked me to draw her and her co-workers as a rap group. I give you JoJoTa and the Slutty Scotts!

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"Soon I'll have that little mermaid 🎼 and the ocean will be mine!" 🎼🎶 -

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no problem ahaha i also had this doodle but i thought it was too slutty sdlfshd

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Headhunter Cait looks bad ass, Officer Cait looks... tbh the Cosplayers pick the slutty ones for impact

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i just saw someone say asuka's FR outfit is too ~slutty~
i'm screaming cus she's showing even less skin than before

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also, Iori's too classy for slutty Miki. She should be with pure and smooth Yayoi.

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When rival idol spreads rumours abt Eriko being slutty Erikos sukeban friend gives him a pounding and i love it

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Cries bc w glasses on she looks like a slutty teacher- covers face

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Finished My new OC pic of Poppy! tumblr has more pics

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Today's original - Nicolas Poussin, "A Bacchanalian Revel Before a Term" destroyed our slutty little brains! Finals-

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Whew!! Consider this a work in progress 😅 That slutty Poussin is gonna need another sitting! Finals coming soon

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Today we copied that 'Portrait Of A Woman And Child'. It was very slutty.

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Our first slutty session with Titian's "Venus and Adonis" - check in tomorrow for the finals!

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Last week joined is to copy slutty painter "Monk Meditating With Skull". How mysterious!

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