

お面:ALBA DOLL様( )

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I've been enjoying this podcast, Alba just might be my favourite character so far.

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L'extraordinaire aventure d'Alba le petit sapin est sorti cette semaine. Réalisé en collaboration avec et Luana Santonino chez

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I've been enjoying listening to as I work and wanted to make Alba art for a while. Looking forward to what happens next! Dunno if dire pigeons exist, but I'm making 'em a thing! 🐦⚔️

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Hi! My name is Alba, I'm still studying illustration. I would love to work illustrating right now to gain experience. I love to work traditionally but I draw and paint digitally too. Here you can see my last illustrations and character desing. Thanks and good luck!

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Super love 's character Alba! Such a cute design and personality!

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Invitados ilustres. Cayetana de Alba y Spínola

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お品書き作る体力がなかったのでこれで失礼します。BANG! Do it♪名古屋にサークル参加させていただきます。徹翼&大宗のアクキー各500円。他、徹翼の無配あります。【お04】alba+にてお待ちしております。アクキーはそんなに数作ってないのでよろしくお願いします。

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Alba for as a thank you for recommending Brené Brown to me at PAX! I'm really loving it 💜💜💜💜

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Laggiù, sul mare, il vento dell'alba increspa e scivola.
Io sono qui, oppure là, o altrove.
Nel mio principio


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Holly's Dragons in Places character, Alba! ('☉д⊙)

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i love how d&d is getting more popular nowadays, ive always wanted to get into it!!!!!

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I finally had the energy to finish this Alba doodle ミ(ノ_ _)ノ

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tried a new style for this cutie cause im excited for Alba Blackleaf in

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a little doodle of alba blackleaf, since i love her design and i need to go somewhere soon!!

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