Hey! I'm Taini! I love magical girls and landscapes! I draw a lot of the first and I'm learning to do the second lol. I'm always looking for new friends! A lot of my art is right now on Instagram but I'll post it here too!

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The full size version of my Niles that I submitted to the "Where's Walhart" project. I love his Adventurer outfit (bow capes!)

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I’ve got Video Night this Sunday so treat yourself to colouring, cocktails, and camp with this marathon of badass ladies. If you have other plans, I strongly suggest you cancel them and catch at least one of these great tapes! ✨📼💜

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Heroes should wear capes! Y/N?

Become a hero in Light a Way ✨ https://t.co/XK5krK5gdL

🔮 Left Dress: on Instagram
🔮 Right Dress: on Instagram
🔮 Submit your dress design on Instagram, hashtag and mention

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I'm gonna start doing this cause it's a great way to showcase amazing Artists. -

This week I want to show off the work of artist .

I love the use of colors and all the shapes!

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Austin welcomes his distant relative, Patrick, in Homescapes! Go to our Facebook page for an interesting read about this very talented young man: https://t.co/G6HTNy9Rnj 👈

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Always exciting to see trending again!

Heya everyone! Im a 21yo Chilean illustrator with a thing for dragons, creatures and fantasy landscapes!💜

Website https://t.co/gRAzTURTdn
ArtStation https://t.co/odfOUowL6l

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Here's a big compilation post of new items in the shop!
✨Squiggle Cat & Potato Dog Pins!
✨Holo Foil silver and ROSE GOLD foil washi tapes!
✨Floral Pokemon Prints

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gonna boost this amazing artist! please check them out!
amazing shapes! EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD 😩💙

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HEY GUYS so i opened up preorders for my next enamel pin + my first two washi tapes! they should ship out sometime in late september! https://t.co/FKNQJrtr3e

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messing around with shapes!!! rllllly liking those arms

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Hello! So I've been working on this all weekend and I've finally finished it! This is for 's amazing character, it was so great to play with the palette and shapes! :D

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This’s my first time to deal with such quite big work in this style,
there are a lot of details that need to consider with the contrast and shapes! so exhausted!Hope you guys like:)

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Decided to give a try on this fun challenge ! This is Brendan from on IG! I'm trying to improve my skills on shapes! So I tried a more exaggerated silhouette!

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My entry for the fanart contest!
Hippie Granny loves cats of all sizes and shapes! She's a retired miner who lives in Quetzal with her Raican and Chrysopurryls
Chrysopurryl is crystal type temtem I created, Click here to read more about them! https://t.co/bVDa2ku9DT

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Oh no, the chubby weeny fell out!

Some more practice on different type of body shapes!

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I’m learning how to paint concept landscapes!! This is my first attempt. I really enjoyed creating an environment out of my imagination. :)

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