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earth gravity&daze

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earth gravity&daze

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名前の通り重力アクションやで!!!綺麗な箱庭世界と不思議な動物、ミステリアスなストーリー!!!!!!1ではモヤモヤした終わり方するけど2クリアした後全てが明かされて感動したべ!!!!!!ちなみに実況ならYouTubeで「弟者のGRAVITY DAZE」がオススメ!!!

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Lars, one of Marga and Kisum's children. He's always in a daze and doesn't enjoy eating anything not sweet. Dreams to be an airship navi.

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"Greato Daze"
(fait sur GIMP)

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Only 2 hours left to save $5 and pre-order the Daze Playmat by Richard Wright

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GRAVITY DAZE2クリアした!面白かったし、とても良かった!色々謎が明かされたけどまだまだ解釈に時間がかかりそう~。とりあえずこれだけは。シドー×キトゥン最高なんじゃあ…😭100年も前から…シドーお前…!シドキトゥ描こうとしたけど力尽きたごめんよ。

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We colorized the usually b/w world of Snow Daze for this one-shot story in Gwan by Check it out at

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Day: 131/365
"End of Daze"

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So demanded this be called "Demon Daze"

Levi and Abby both have too much faith in the skull-head-thing.

(🎨 )

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「GRAVITY DAZE」よりキトゥンちゃん

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hiyoshi wakashi saiko daze !

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Yare yare daze. Jotaro Gelato, with due in time Star Platinum of sorts behind him after I work on it some more!

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本日発売のコミックアライブ9月号より「GRAVITY DAZE2」のコミカライズが連載開始してます!よろしくお願いします!!

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First batch of AC badges complete! Duster for Kitty the Monster Dog (twitter?), Kaiju for , and Daze for

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