(http://t.co/6U5SYmOz) 描き方検討

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(http://t.co/DyN8DPVl) this app is totally addicting. I'm in love.

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Another quick go with Paper. Try to keep on improving.

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Io faccio delle cene pubbliche per finanziare la campagna elettorale.

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(http://t.co/qfESJT9I) iPad scribble of the day

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いろいろ試したけど、tiny titansっぽい線を描く方法、やっぱりデジタルしかないんじゃないかという気がしてきた…。コピックとか使うよりそれっぽくなる

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(http://t.co/qfESJT9I) today's iPad sketch

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暇なので、落書きナウψ(`∇´)ψ#MadeWithPaper (http://t.co/98s6VKU)

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(http://t.co/LGkyrtEy) batman

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Really love the simplicity of Paper. Keep picking it up hoping to improve.

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(http://t.co/UhOizLW6) , used their pic to do this and try it out

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(http://t.co/AikJRwm4)Canucks almost where they belong!!

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LOMO写真を描いたものの絵心が (http://t.co/bR7SWhYW)

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A quick Pretty pleased with it given the time (5 mins) and tools (my finger).

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(http://t.co/ufr4J6wO) ツールの練習

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