Stormfur is A good boy
Design note - His sister's feather on his tail for remembrance.

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Stormfur's bloodline
Family line-ups so you can see their designs :)
I used google and I learned that he has two more kids I-

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The lovers of mountains
It's Stormfur& Brook
Glad he find happiness in the end
Star represents Feathertail

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Because Acorn Fur was the a few weeks ago, I did some drawings in December inspired by a drawing I made in June of 2019 (3rd drawing).

ps I still need to catch up lol hopefully the next few will come soon. yes I will make them.

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Did a redraw of a picture I made earlier this year. I'm not sure if it counts as wcotw if Stormfur isn't the main focus of the drawing but still

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I decided to edit my submission for Stormfur because I really didn't like how dark it was on my other devices. He misses his sister FeatherWhisker very much. I imagine he looks a lot like his dad, and his sister looked a lot like their mum.

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I did it again - I put too much detail into it because I liked the design. Impurities by multiple artists but mainly my own thought process. Hope you guys like it!

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What a coinky dink I just made a Stormfur design 😳 Retweets are heavily appreciated!!!

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Stormfur!! He's grown on me over time... what a lad

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I finally got around to doing another I had a cute idea about Stormfur telling his kits all about the shenanigans that went down on the Great Journey and had to try it. ;w;

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Not my best work but I had to get in on this Stormfur action for

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StormFur missing his Sister for hosted by I took a break from drawing for Warrior Cat of the week for a little while, feels nice to come back to a cat I know.

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stormfur for !
he's a cool guy, i wish he had bonded more with Squirrelflight tbh, Greystripe's and Firestar's kids being best friends would have been so sweet 😭

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Tryyyying the new twitter JPEG trick, if it doesn't work im deleting this tweet and hiding in a cave for 8 months.
Stormfur and Brook! Wanted to draw him for and decided to add his wonderful w i fe in there too
my carpal tunnel is acting up

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Hot take: soft Riverclan boi would have been a better mate for Squirrelflight than Bramblestar. Hotter take: almost ANYONE would be a better mate for her than BBoy. Anyway I like him he's a good

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i actually dont remember this dude at all but here's a creepy redwillow for

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