Yo, G-man, we gonna kill some frickin' monsters or whatever?

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At the a polygraph expert outlines getting her Advice of Rights and the long series of 3 interviews with written testimony.

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Bomb technician Paul Castillo testified in the Noor Salman trial. The bomb robots view of Omar Mateens lifeless body were shownto the jury.

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Negotiator Andrew Brennan related his experience talking to Omar Mateen on the night of the Pulse Nightclub massacre at the Noor Salman trial.

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Mathew Gentili from Channel 13 recalls getting a call from Omar Mateen on the night of the Pulse Nightclub massacre.

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Bobby Rodriguez described her horrific tale of survival by hiding under a body in the Pulse Nightclub bathroom during beginning testimony in the Noor Salman trial in Orlando.

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hey I really love Jenny because Jenny and I both also teenagers and I love cartoons so much. I became your fan because your so awesome and I love 😍😘😊 I hope you like it...

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Apila Pepitan näyttely Queerinnuendoes – avajaiset tänään Sarjakuvakeskuksella klo 17, tervetuloa! Toinen puoli näyttelystä :ssa.

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Happy book birthday to and REIGN THE EARTH!!! I'm so excited to read this, and can't wait to meet you at NoVaTeen this spring! :)

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