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(Octransfur 2021 day 5: literature)
"I just wanted to read about the legendary pokemon of the sinnoh region, why does this keep happening to me.."

25 113

Commission for of their OC eating a Goodra-shaped berry, becoming Goodra-shaped themselves in response!

18 76

Octransfur 05 | Literature
To find the most interesting stuff, you need to dig to the back of the magazine rack :P

The store clerk will give you the side-eye, but they won't ask questions. They know exactly what you're doing.

20 102

Day4 prompt: "Literature"

Some ridiculed "trigger warnings" in books. They're actually pretty important, especially for some werecreatures.

(bit better quality today IMO. Was trying some new things with face/muzzle)

5 23

Halloween is coming, and now seems to be ready for it!

2 13


Be careful! You're going to start a howl!!

21 102

The transfur is complete Zoodles absorbed Asher[Himself LMAO]

13 67

Sunscreen 🧴
Guess I'm UV proof now

62 203

Here's some Octransfur stuff! Travel and Stylish respectively.

6 38

Day4 prompt: "Stylish"

Did this fast last night, sorry for quality. Stylish always makes me think of clothing. In this case a magic hoodie.
Important note: In part of Canada the slang for hoodie is a "bunnyhug".

2 8

Serperior TF / ジャローダ TF

deviantart commission

26 103

"See! I told you I could plushify them by hugging them!"

"I wanna try! I wanna try!"

Day 3 of - Hug, featuring Borealis the Huggaderg (). I give it about two months before the entire world is full of infectious hugging plushies.

49 196

When you find orange pants that let you turn into a poison dart frog monk with pretty cool poison abilities, don't be surprised to see me put it on constantly! I love frogs!

Colors by me, originally lined by . Check 'em out!

25 63