"It was a happier time when they did not know each other..."
*imagining XuanYu had a field trip to the Lotus Pier when he was little

965 3240



65 273

jiang cheng is the world's best uncle- //extremely self indulgent but i just had to- i love them so m u c h

90 200



7 26

Another draft out into WIP folder... I wish I can remember to finish it.. LOL
I got many WIP in my folder 😱

403 1674

it's cold outside~ oh hey bronchitis no time no see 🙃
我久違的氣管炎又犯了....*呼吸困難* 大家要注意保暖啊 😣

335 1050

Brothers [One more?~^^]

5 8

Decided to do another scribbly af mdzs speed drawing; now i have these two good bois.

瞎乱涂涂凑活看吧 🤦‍♀️

166 333

I finally caught up with the recent novel chapters. And all the angst between them after Wei Ying followed the dark path *sobbu* I just want to see some more happy moments ; - ;

155 380