My fifth portrait of . Wanted a more fashion drawing vibe. Love drawing her.

0 2

I want Dorian to have hoards of undead familiars, because, honestly, why not.

4 13

Peculiars Girls, ilustraciones de Nuri Ann en lo más

6 10

כפי שזה נראה, פייג׳ עוד תנהל מלחמת חורמה על אמילי...

0 0

【DVD-PG】アイチェリー「魔将の贄3」BlackRainbow「根雪の幻影 -白花荘の人々-」【PC】Liarsoft「行殺新選組 ふれっしゅ」RED-ZONE「村祀り桃色紀行」etc.最新作本日入荷しました~!

2 1

Jean-Paul Mallozzi’s “Familiars” Explores Masculinity in Emotive Paintings

0 0

Si addice al filosofo il meravigliarsi. Non vi è altro inizio della se non questo. Platone,Teeteto

700 1160

Did some pretty little drawings of some pretty little liars

1 8

Chinese witches with their monkey familiars, just in time for the Lunar New Year. ^O^

41 115