Trying stuff out! Most of my posts are on my art instagram but I'll start using Twitter more as well.
Link is in my bio, please share and thank you!!!

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Finally done! Vivi's new bio, finished !! Or at the very least, started on pfft. Some basic info, personality, background, and just her outfit ref (the collab one is... officially outdated sobs),,

Also, she now appears on all routes! But once Nohrian Scum, always Nohrian scum..

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Updated my store(link in bio, click on STORE) with some life drawings, a pissed off Logan, and a bloodied Keanu. And I think a tasty beverage is upcoming as I seem to have misplaced that today is Wednesday.

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Termine dibujito de intercambio, goku y chichi pre goten, eróticamente romántico

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SciArt Spotlight! Jen( ) is a freelance sci illustrator based in Victoria, 🇨🇦. She'll illustrate most topics, but loves marine bio, & is now writing/illustrating her 1st kids' book!

Her work: https://t.co/oPeV3qmWZi (📷K.Cowell)
Design: https://t.co/lbQz8g7pd2

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Im currently writing short bio, here's what they are in a nutshell
Nicolai: good doctor, book worm
Casius: "order and i shall obey", sewing machine
Cilazur: muscles smash, teddy bear
Wess: Cilazur's brain, Singing Mc Loudbitch
Vincent: machine scientist, bug's friend
Jin: penis

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Voice actor, here! and sometimes digital artist :3 VO website link is in bio, here are some illustration/design samples

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My instagram is in the "website" thing in my bio, but here is my best project, and I'm glad that you're doing this, giving people the opportunity to get recognition, and a bonus follow, you're a nice person and I'm glad your tweet got popular :)

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Bonus picture for 500+ followers on Facebook!!
Follow us on socials, link in bio, for more!


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Dos preguntas Fabio, va a estar en el resumen semanal? y usaste el uniforme de fontanero oficial?

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221118 | Although it's been a while, thought to upload more. While in the progress of work on a main sona with a full bio, gonna post this little tid bit; this is Mint Schartz. Whose based upon yours truly. Goes by pronouns; They/Them!

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Even though it's break day, it's not an excuse for me to do
Sav Ambio, Cappo! The first hybrid Sav to be introduced: a fish-cat!
They use a pair of bells and maracas to cover ground, juggling them whenever he attacks!


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don't mess up this this blood-stealing cutie, maybe she looks innocent, but... trust me, she's gonna kick your ass!
there's her bio, history and backstory, buuut the page is still in progress ♥

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Seguimos hablando de mientras os mostramos la obra de Ignacio Rubio, personal y con un estilo muy propio... Todo su trabajo final está tintado con referencias de y ya desvelaremos más cositas en unos días!! :)

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Por dia, mi cara se estira, el pelo se me abulta y mi maldita chiva insoportablemente mal crecida sale mas rapido. Asi que, asi como cambio, mi avatar por igual.

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Meu nome é Fábio, sou formado em analise de sistemas, mas sempre fui fascinado por arte digital e desenhos. Estilo voltado ao grindcore/powerviolence e veganismo!

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Over the next week, check out our "Meet the Illustrator" boards on Pinterest. Here you'll find a quick bio, their website and some of their amazing work! Today's illustrator is Violet Lemay​!

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Hello my name is Dakota and I’m an artist! This is my personal account but I do have an art only account which is !! My online store is in my bio, and I am currently open for commissions. Send me a DM if you’re interested!

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Je suis auteure de BD et illustratrice ! Mes scénarios sont bio, sans OGM et bien du terroir. >:D

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Un petit "étape par étape" de cette case, rien que pour vous ! (case extraite de mon roman graphique autobio, sortie prévu printemps 2019 chez Delcourt) <3

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