Yes i DRAW young Croixxxx eue ENJOY

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Now that the girls celebrated their birthday, it's the adults' turn, and I swear that Chariot tickles Croix's feet (or maybe not...) > w >

Ahora les toca celebrar a los adultos... y juro que Chariot le hace cosquillas en los pies a Croix, quizas...

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I wanted to make a short comic about how much I hate La Croix, but this is all I could come up with. Enjoy

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Caricatura de l’actor Rafa Delacroix.

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Lina Ebner (b 1936) and Diane Montcroix (b 1947). Lina is a doctor, Diane a Pilot, and both of them are Astronauts! I haven't played them yet so their futures are not yet set in stone...

Trivia: theyre both Lesbians

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Alexander Montcroix. Born 1892, he's literally the nicest character in this entire thread. Really good with a gun. Stabbed a ghost to death.

Trivia: plays the piano poorly, one half of a travelling jazz duo. Has punched Langley in the face when they were teens (theyre cousins)

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Langley Montcroix. Born 1899 (wow!), Langley was the host to a freaky cannibal god.

Trivia: Extremely Chaotic Evil, has had a Lot of Bastard kids, is Harper's Great-Grandfather. A bestselling author, wrote a lot of fucked up shit. Cannonically got vored by an olympic athlete

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Decided to further render that recent Croix sketch I recently posted. Now with and without her glasses!

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Something simple today since I wanted to practice Croix with her hair down. Then I figured to give her glasses back for fun. Let’s just say she was too lazy to wear her contacts that day.

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Little Witch Academia - Full Moon

Young Chariot and Croix with Arcas ✨

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Oh look! Croix is back! <3333
I has so much fun for drawing, I saw in "filed trip" artwork book so I wanted to draw Croix <3 I hope you like it!~!

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no one else understands how ur outfit works croix

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I LOVE THIS SHIP T//3//T Chariot X Croix 💖
Here is quick color/doodles! QUQ EnnnJJoooy

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