//=time() ?>
Angel Flies. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif https://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
#SavageLove: Dry hand jobs, bedroom boasting, and Broadway musicals: https://t.co/3Ib4Xz50rV
Dictator and Rebel Fight. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif https://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
Dictator and Rebel Fight. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif https://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
#SavageLove: Readers write in about sexless marriages: https://t.co/O4fb8UfQuA
~Love:core from Adan and Eva~
One of my new illustrations block, i really hope you like as much as me n_n)/
(✿╹◡╹)ノ.。oO(『LOVE:QUIZ』のかわいいSDキャラクターたちがスマートフォン壁紙になりました! 是非使ってみてくださいね!)
Meaty Explosion. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif http://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
Cheering Crowd. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxgpRoR #animation #gif http://t.co/PgXmGStGds
...and look what happens when you spread the love: go ahead, double-tap: https://t.co/OwE63vf6Pi
.@NeonMob + @GoldGloveTV, FINALLY! Check out our new series, The Adventures of Gold Glove: http://t.co/KPKoKJRbdw
Orchestra. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif http://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
Cheering Crowd. Only Love: https://t.co/o2rrxg8gxj #animation #gif http://t.co/PgXmGSc5lU
In honor of #batmanday here's a panel penciled by @THEBRYANHITCH and inked by me that for some reason i really love:)
Get involved in this super-sweet street art project by @StudioThomson and spread the love: http://t.co/x7HloC5C4s
Nothing says 'I love you' like a big lenticular sticker… @StudioThomson spreads the love: http://t.co/x7HloC5C4s
Love: Shilin's favorites by reneedicherri #ArtFeature http://t.co/WONF7RD3Qe
【豪華版】特典内容:豪華版描き下ろしパッケージイラスト、通常版、豪華版特典ドラマCD『王様のおおせのままに』、主題歌『LOVE:QUIZ』FULL音源(歌:ハヅキ CV:蒼井翔太)、豪華版特典小冊子
【お知らせ】PS Vita版『LOVE:QUIZ~恋する乙女のファイナルアンサー~』は12月10日(木)発売予定です。全編フルボイスでお届け! また、追加シナリオや新規イベントスチルも登場します!