Tenis Is a Scottish guy called James Harris. He is kinda cold and very into his studies. Hipster trash and girls love him

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Hi I'm Jenny and I'm a full time self employed artist

My specialities are comics illustrations and character studies.


📷#instagram : https://t.co/b1YbOfebn5
☕️#kofi : https://t.co/IVKuf18inn
✨#patreon : https://t.co/lhet2l76nZ

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Some random rendering studies...

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Cloud studies. Twitter is gonna be that place where I thought I posted something but I actually haven't and end up forgetting about it

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There are just under TWO WEEKS left to submit to Issue 2 of ! Submissions should be sent to fashionstudies.ca by JANUARY 15th, 2019.

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✨New Years Resolutions✨

🌟 Write 250 words a day/1000 words a week. Keep a writing journal.
🌟 Make completed artwork, weekly drawing studies. Backgrounds!!
🌟Finish one new video game every month.
🌟Worry less.
🌟Suck less.
🌟Do all the things.
🌟At least do some of them.

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Outrider knight studies. Gyaaaah! I need to get this out! I can choke on my feels! That's why sometimes I become emotionally not there because I freeze(hehe) up, when people do nice things for me. I apologize for sounding strange and unreceptive when it happens.I dont hate you 😱

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i really like whatever was going on with all the Lucian pieces that happened in october, especially the expression studies. there was a nice balance of shading i wonder if I'll get back to bc im terrible at overworking things LOL

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Im a nonthreatening feminist boy, come talk to me on Skype! talk to me on skype about your problems as a woman i sympathize i’m taking womens studies. I took women’s studies I know what ‘systematic’ means. Man I’m so horny today. Sorry. I’m sorry. I feel so bad. I just came out a

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