you're a mob
can't you feel your frustration?

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Well now.. After about five years of pure frustration I finally found my motivation for again. 🐱 Oh my, it's been such a long time. But it's also so much fun! Here's a little WIP of a cat I photographed in my village a while ago.

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2 work in progress pieces. reminding myself that i can do personal work has been building my confidence, which sometimes gets worn down in commission frustration

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Been having a serious art block, managed to draw through my frustrations to make this. Thank you OH Killer for being made before I had this block, you're truly the easiest thing to draw rn

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Interjection: A moan indicating sexual arousal and/or (sexual) frustration.


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That really sucks. Despite frustration try to be gentle to yourself. Take the time to have that rest to build up the stamina later instead of beating your head on the wall. Still, it sucks. Sucks bad. Just remeber that you do not suck. You are great.

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Frustration at my DB Legends pulls in 3 images.

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the invader zim movie had a screening for the cast and I NEED it gimme
I drew Gaz out of frustration

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For February I am going to focus on learning and improving my art! You're going to be seeing a lot of sketches and practice on my websites. My main hub will be, where I will be uploading sketches, frustrations, and corrections almost everyday.

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here's a funny drippy guy for your consideration 😌
and! : vore, waxplay, facesitting/fucking, frotting, monsters, bloodplay, clothed, tailpulling, size diff, frustration/denial

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Every day, every frustration😄

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Today was an exercise in frustration (that ended in a glass of wine). After a failed attempt at a flower...I thought I'd try a P51D Mustang in watercolor. Aluminum skin is not easy. Drawing a P51s is not easy! continues to challenge... I did 3. Here are 2.

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to those wondering why my activity has declined: I've found a job to make money, but the last few months have resulted in a lot of emotional exhaustion and artistic frustration. I'm not sure when I will post regularly again. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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En diciembre del año pasado (2018) anuncié vagamente que comenzaría a hacer pequeñas tiras de este personaje, lo cual hice al final, entonces disfrútenlo que lo hice con todo el love y con algo que a menudos nos pasa a todos💗.

"Frustration and acceptance".

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"frustration" 15 min painting. i still don't know how to use brushes

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Working through this bit of frustration by painting feeeeeelings

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