Me quise subir al tren solo por diversión. Me gustó mucho hacer un redraw, nunca habia hecho alguno, veré si hago otros más de otras series o películas

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Ciò che è un miraggio per l'uno, non lo è per l'altro.
Rimane solo la sorpresa per la facilità con cui l'uno l'ha raggiunto.
Il merito è un elastico tirato a destra e sinistra. Per questo si rompe
Amico Aspertini
(1457 ca- 1552)
Maestro in cattedra coi suoi scolari

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Heey, thanks a bunch for the art share! I’m Bruno, from Brazil. I work with commissions and posters! I have a webcomic (it’s in portuguese) that you can read right here:
This is my ig account:

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Oi meu nome é Netuno, eu faço desenhos digitais e ainda to desenvolvendo meu estilo de desenho 💖🌟

Artistas perfeitos:

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THE OTTIFANTS - Master System, 1993, Sega. Bruno, an Ottifant baby must traverse hordes of terrifying toys, plants that feed on Ottifant, shadowy caves and a dangerous jungle to rescue his father 🐘

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Self reminder: before we got Fujimaru Ritsuka, Kishinami Hakuno, Sieg, Sajyou Ayaka, Emiya Shirou, Tohno Shiki, Ryougi Shiki and even Aozaki Aoko

There was him

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I did one of these for Juno, so here's another one--

4 character inspirations for Alle:

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Oi! Sou Bruno, ilustrador, quadrinista e trabalho com ilustração digital, commissions e pôsteres!
Esse é o meu Instagram:
Esse é o meu Twitter onde posto meu quadrinho, segue a thread pra ler todos os capítulos:

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Thank you again! Josey normally wears alot of blue, so it's so strange seeing her without it haha!

Also yes Uno, teach us your secrects

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Sebastiano Ricci (né le 1er août 1659 à Belluno, en Vénétie et mort le 15 mai 1734 à Venise)

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if i can't have a party my utau will with his friends kskks. Kuno, Yohji and Laika

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Look! New art!! From my speculative fiction novel [title forthcoming], it's our protagonist, Juno, and our definitely-not-protagonist, Alle. What could they be discussing? Drawn by !

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Puede que no sea la creadora de reaper fresh.. puede que no sea la primera que lo creo, pero al menos se que esta es mi version, no lo habia dibujando por que ya abian versiones mejores, pero dije "es solo la version de cada uno, esta es la mia" y no lo dejare abandonado!

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and then /ANOTHER/ drawpile @/TanashiGrowly, @/TenchiOutsuno, and I did from earlier this month, holy moly who put me in charge of uploading because i should be fired lol

2nd page had fun goodra times woo

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Imaginad tener una máquina del tiempo y volver atrás a la era de los videoclubs, Blockbuster o Centro Mail.

Te encuentras con estos 4 juegos, te atraen mucho, pero solo puedes rentar / alquilar uno, ya que vas con poco dinero. ¿Por cuál te decantarías? 🤩

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Emotes de Luzu que hice para la pipol.
(Solo muestro uno, tengo varios más lol.)

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Confirmado: La 3ª temporada de Oregairu estará conformada por 13 episodios de 30 minutos cada uno, y recopilados en 6 Blu-Ray/DVD. Será estrenado en julio de 2020.

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hello this is ferdyuno, twitter blocked my previous account () because they think I am 13? Feel free to follow me again.
If they don't give me my account back this will be my main account and I'll post more here

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