
■9/29(土)渋谷ZEAL LINK 17:00
「Whiteness DAY」通常メイク

■10/7(日)ライカエジソン東京店 17:00
「Darkness DAY」デスメイク


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Hey! I'm Elena, a Greek comic artist & illustrator. I love fantasy & buff women

👽 https://t.co/qlE9kcTs5j

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This is Janny Jin - one of our 2D Animators! She loves seeing characters brought to life. Her advice to women trying to make their mark in the industry: "Have a good demo reel and be sure to network." https://t.co/nSaj7NXfrn

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As a Storyboard Revisionist in our Toronto studio, Wen works on the "skeleton" of a show. Her advice: "If you have a goal, keep moving towards it even if the road seems uncertain and tough." https://t.co/nSaj7NXfrn

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Hi! I'm Larisa, BG and concept artist for animation, I love playing around with colors and my goal is to be a good storyteller!
I'm currently working at as BG painter!

⭐️ Insta: https://t.co/85BgorSBjE

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Hi! I'm Kirsten, an Assistant Art Director, BG Artist and sometimes Illustrator

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Hi, I'm Kasia, and I'm a 2D designer and concept artist currently working at in Dublin on Disney shows Sadie Sparks and Vampirina, and soon moving onto other exciting adventures!

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A few critters I created for the latest EXPLORER kids magazine for ! Thanks for awesome art direction, and inviting me to be part of another inspiring issue that celebrates the love, hope and resources Compassion shares with kids around the world!

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Una mona medio lagarto/dragón cuando aun dibujaba :v

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Pues he dibujado al tipico lagarto con cristales en la espalda y cajoncitos incorporados que todos tenemos en casa para guardar las joyas.

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GLAUCO: rey corinto.
Hijo de Sísifo y Mérope.
Se casó con Eurímide y tuvieron a:
Afrodita se enfadó con él al no permitir que sus yeguas se emparejasen y lo castigó enloqueciendo a sus caballos, que lo mataron durante una carrera.


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Agarte doodle I did for a Tales thing. Experimenting with some fast painting styles ✨

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mamá se metió un peje lagarto

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GLAUCO: hijo de Poseidón y la pléyade Alcíone, según Ateneo.
Se dice que Glauco era un humilde pescador, que al comer una planta se convirtió en una especie de pez con barba y pelo verde y pasó a vivir en el océano.
Estaba enamorado de Escila.


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Un dibujito de mi parte para tu
feliz cumpleaños lagartija!
deberíamos volver a hablarnos xd

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A of a wonderful highborn, . Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with the wait time on this piece as it took me much longer than it should have.

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Hace un rato me explotó la imaginación:
La historia se desarrolla en la edad media; ratones, gatos, lagartos, pericos etc... conviven con humanos como animales comunes y corrientes, pero a la vez estos viven la cruda vida como piratas, corsarios y nobles de aquella epoca.

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Lagarto, o lo que sea esta mierda que he hecho

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