Nuther new Nexus! First of the many immigrants I'm going to have to draw eventually.

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Who are California's undocumented immigrants? An illustrated explainer by

2 5

eee... some funky alternate colour palette Tear Grants for
(because I drew Natalia yesterday, ohoho.)

29 36

The mystical Ncelawre. identity unknown, but his magic name grants him magic powers and it isn't an anagram.

0 14

(DESSIN) : les pilleurs ne sont pas du bord qu'on croit !

19 14

USA is strong because of generation after generation of immigrants.
We all are inmmigrants.

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bocetando personajes de otras historias / vagrants

1 7

L'hebdo explique aux enfants les naufrages dramatiques en Méditerranée

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How long before the media shift attention & we forget them?
Help now!

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More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year

1 1

Now that the agenda is moving to the we are a bit stuck - erm immigrants!

20 16

J'ai mis du temps à pondre ce dessin mais je suis fier du rendu!

3 1

Chuffed that used a couple of field sketches - migrants feed around old bonfire, big Sept fall

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