Doodling some shimaenaga as I attempt to stay informed but also sane
referenced from the very important
(woops typo fixed ;;)

79 335

I was just informed that I have a Rayquaza at my house.

0 0

I was just informed that my first tweet was made about about a phenomenon from 5 years ago. I'm still excited lol. Don't judge me.

0 2

Local Man Who Calls It ‘Boku no Hero Academia’ Appears Cultured, Well-Informed

61 110

My friend informed me of a 30 days of dogs challenge yesterday, so here's the first four for the first four days of June!

0 5

⭐️⭐️I was recently informed that May is the time to draw the mermaids! Ft. Candy and Milkshook :0 ⭐️⭐️

3 10

My boyfriend just informed me that

we are out of coffee

3 76

Sachi informed us that today's Maid Day in Japan! Praise be to those who tend to our desires and make nice sparkly pouches.

48 95

Just been informed that it's possible to get the centre piece out of some of the new pound coins... Challenge accepted.

0 0

Why are there so many SECRETS from the PEOPLE?

1 3

I was informed that some people miss Gale

2 18

Sunday Joke: Humpty Dumpty has been found dead. Next of Kinder have been informed!

1 1

"If u don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If u read the newspaper you're mis-informed."

2 11

[NEW] All the links of the online medal winners Get informed, inspired and awed!

22 47

Drew Tess from PBB~

I had uploaded this before...and informed me that it's actually, "TESS" and not, "JESS"

41 507