Feliz cumpleaños Saeyoung :(<333
AaAAAHh en verdad le tengo un cariño muy grande a este personaje ;; él es uno de los pocos personajes con los que me he identificado tanto y por esto mismo le quiero mucho;; es tan buena persona AYUDA, OJALÁ FUERA REAL ;;v;; Saeyoung ILY SO MUCH💕

36 189

Happy Birthday
Saeyoung&Saeran <3

0 0

sketched this ages ago x'D

Tumblr / IG / Da / Pixiv / Youtube / Redbubble / ko-fi :ksmile1313

74 310

최쌍둥이 생일 축하해🎉 평생 행복하게만 살자!

145 363

Thank god they have all the MCs in the world nowadays. 🎂

198 551

‘Promise me, Saeyoung’
‘Thank you, Saeran’

For the choi twin’s Birthday and !! ((The fandom still needs context to how/why/when for that last pic lolol))

128 266

6/11 최쌍둥이 생일~!~!~!~!~!!
707 & 최세란 생일축하해ㅡㅜㅜㅜㅠㅜㅜㅜ내가 많이 아낀다ㅜㅠㅠㅜㅠ사실 시크릿세란이로 할까 굿세란이로 할까 하다가 굿세란이로 했다 우리 최쌍둥이 꼭 행복하자~!~!~!!!😚💕💕💕💕#mysticmessenger

98 197

Happy birthday dear Saeyoung and Saeran ❤️

2 6

Notice :
*Routes mix *Kuso
*read Right to Left
*Poor Eng lines

I'm not gonna finish the whole story on 0611 😣
plz just ignore the date on the card in first page,
I'll try my best to update once a week.

185 506

My piece for MMAMM theme on "Choi Brothers' Birthday" (titled "Happy Birthday" and dated 7 June 2018).

Sorry for being really inactive lately. 😂

3 4

I met MM on the end of march this year, still a newbie here 😆
thanks for the following and the reply, I really appreciate it.

今年三月入坑 MM,相見恨晚的菜雞一枚 (・∀・)/
感謝大大們的跟隨與回應 ~

126 379

[RT] Omanjuu preorder is up on my tictail!
Order period: May 28-June 18
Only my 4 best boys sorry. 😆

47 73

The first fanart I've drawn for Mystic Messenger. 707 with MC.
(Why I post both? Because I can't choose.)

30 93