so apparently Yone's SPLASH ART just got leaked too wtf - he looks like Yasuo on edgy steroids . I LOVE HIM

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Bueno, almenos puedo decir q yone si es de esos champs q me atraen a querer jugarlo por el Splash art ya :u.
Tal vez lo dibuje

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Yone SplashArt Leak

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Mais um vazamento agora da Splash art do campeão Yone!

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Mano olha o Yone, ta nuito foda ♡

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Tinha um tempo que não ficava tão hypado com um campeão novo.

Mas se isso for realmente a arte oficial do Yone a riot se superou.

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Finalmente saiu o próximo novo e tão esperado campeão... direto de Demon Slayer kkkkk ...


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First time doing gray scale and I think I did well.. When there are more details of Yone, I will draw it better..

123 615

Yasuo to Yone be like:

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See the leak of Yone's original painting CG, quickly draw

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The same with Yone's supposed Splash Art skin that has the sword similar to the one that comes out in the water reflection of yasuo's Splash Art

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Les emotes qui nous disent
HEY reste encore 4 skins à venir
Plus un leak de yone
Mmmmmh Riot sait faire des Event de qualité 🥺
Riven est confirmé dans le teaser de Lilia en plus 👀
( juste kindred je suis mega hype pour elle enfin un new skin qui a l'air magnifique)

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Aye Odyssey Kayn (Rhaast) Mentions his brother.
And SB Thresh has an interaction with Yone aswell.
Fixed up his Colors a bit, Seems like he'll definitely have one of the best release skins ever,Cool Asf.
Thresh, Yasuo, Vayne, Teemo, Lilia.
Kindred, Yone, Ahri, Riven, Cassio.

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o reflexo da espada do yasuo na agua é diferente e a posição das mãos é diferente
easter egg do yone provavelmente

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Okay so, even though league sucks sometimes... Spirit Blossom event?
Thresh new skin? The teased emotes for Cassiopeia and Kindred? YONE????
Sign me the fuck up. I am excited. Thresh gives me HARD Gackupo( Vocaloid) vibes 😥😥😥

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