
[臺灣酒專賣史 下卷; 1941]

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Pont Aven, Bretagna, Finistere- (G.A. Aldrich USA 1872-1941 )

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Bill Fleming's lurid and threatening "Marihuana" (1941). Check it out on the Gallery's site http://t.co/dAiCcQdwFk

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Cette peinture de Felix Nussbaum est absolument terrible. (Camp Synagogue at Saint Cyprien, 1941)

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Archie, first created in 1941, will be meeting his fate this July

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Retrato de Evelyn Farquar 1906
John Lavery 1856-1941

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'Different Aspects of Submarines' Lithograph 1941 by Ravilious, from the Submarine series, part of the Spring show.

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"The Chess Players"1929, Sir John Lavery (1856‑1941)

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Morning Tweeties! From 1941, this's for Corkmen (and Corkwomen) everywhere.

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by Zdenek Burian, 1941, on Flickr

Found at http://t.co/M78ydbNJ0X

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Almost Lost You... in 1941 there were 21 wild whooping cranes left, in 2011 there are 437 (+165 captive)

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