Lionheart for He's a noble warrior cat in "Into the Wilds" and I was sad when he died. He was a great mentor to Graystripe I love him! OwO

3 11

🎵 cause you're a king and im a lionheart.................

4 17

My heart 😣
6th or 7th grade me remembered reading about Lionheart and I'm devasted because of what happened, I miss him.

RT's appreciated ❤

3 6

Two cool deputies lost too soon, including the warrior of the week!

You can find all my Warriors designs at Crowesfood on tumblr!

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Lionheart for hosted by ! I love Lionheart so much, I recall reading a story from his POV where he was an apprentice and hoped his name would be Lionloyal. Such a cute short story! I hope you all enjoy ^^

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Replay of my Lion and Blue art 'cause...LION'S WEEK HAH?

4 31

Here's Lionheart, with SSS Warriors' design because I miss that series 😔
He died too soon...

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Fun Lionheart warm-up for 's

I'm re-reading the first arc now. Poor guy just wanted to do well by his clan 😞 Apparently he was a "senior" warrior by the time he died.
Maybe that's why Thornclaw works so hard?🤔

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Thornclaw! insert patrol joke here

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What is up everybody I decided to draw Thornclaw probably fixing up some dens for

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Patrol guy for he’s on the trail of shadowclan trespassers

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Thornclaw is
Personal headcanon - Thornclaw can't relax when he's in camp. He feels like he needs to catch any threats because his father (Lionheart) and one of his sisters (Cinderpelt) both died in attacks in the clan's camp.

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old drawing of the patrol guy for warrior of the week, i still dig it.

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