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83 - Farfetch'd
Type: Normal/Flying
In order to prevent their extinction, more people have made an effort to breed these POKéMON.
82 - Magneton
Type: Electric/Steel
When many MAGNETON gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves.
80 - Slowbro
Type: Water/Psychic
An attached SHELLDER won't let go because of the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail.
79 - Slowpoke
Type: Water/Psychic
It is always so absent-minded that it won't react, even if its flavorful tail is bitten.
78 - Rapidash
Type: Fire
It just loves to gallop. The faster it goes, the longer the swaying flames of its mane will become.
77 - Ponyta
Type: Fire
Training by jumping over grass that grows longer every day has made it a world-class jumper.
76 - Golem
Type: Rock/Ground
Its rock-like body is so durable, even high-powered dynamite blasts fail to scratch its rugged hide.
75 - Graveler
Type: Rock/Ground
It travels by rolling on mountain paths. If it gains too much speed, it stops by running into huge rocks.
74 - Geodude
Type: Rock/Ground
Proud of their sturdy bodies, they bash against each other in a contest to prove whose is harder.
73 - Tentacruel
Type: Water/Poison
When its 80 feelers absorb water, it stretches to become like a net to entangle its prey.
72 - Tentacool
Type: Water/Poison
As it floats along on the waves, it uses its toxic feelers to stab anything it touches.
71 - Victreebel
Type: Grass/Poison
Once ingested into this POKéMON's body, even the hardest object will melt into nothing.
70 - Weepinbell
Type: Grass/Poison
When it's hungry, it swings its razor-sharp leaves, slicing up any unlucky object nearby for food.
69 - Bellsprout
Type: Grass/Poison
If it notices anything that moves, it immediately flings its vine at the object.
68 - Machamp
Type: Fighting
With four arms that react more quickly than it can think, it can execute many punches at once.
66 - Machop
Type: Fighting
It trains by lifting rocks in the mountains. It can even pick up a GRAVELER with ease.
65 - Alakazam
Type: Psychic
It has an IQ of 5000. It calculates many things in order to gain the edge in every battle.
64 - Kadabra
Type: Psychic
When it closes its eyes, twice as many alpha particles come out of the surface of its body.
63 - Abra
Type: Psychic
It hypnotizes itself so that it can teleport away when it senses danger, even if it is asleep.
62 - Poliwrath
Type: Water/Fighting
It can use its well-developed arms and legs to run on the surface of the water for a split second.