Finished this on stream today! It really doesn't do the beautiful justice, but I'm so happy I got a chance to paint this! ❤

7 48


2 11

〔 08. 05. 16. 〕✧ kaito looks weird, i didn't do him justice, but fukase.... 👌👌👌👌

0 2

Captain Kalaw, the Red Wing of Justice, now has a full animation set! Shoutout to for the awesomeness!

77 305

My phone camera doesn't do them justice, but I really liked how they came out!

0 10

Not even justice, I want to get truth.

0 0

Liberty, Justice, and Mr Trump

18 37

"You are right justice, and you weigh this well." - Henry IV pt2 (A5, S2)

122 243

member integrates interests in art, social justice, emotion, ecology, science, & math.

0 1

Here's a Rou Poke. He uses all his energy growing, so he always looks tired. Not sure if I did the style justice, but it was a fun warmup!

0 2

“For an authentic samurai, there are no shades of grey when it comes to honor and justice, there is only the right and the wrong.”

0 1

textbook pictures never do the surface of paintings justice, and i am VERY big on the texture

0 7

rain Brian Clark does this icon justice, see more of next weekend

1 2


47 97

Bonus sketch for a commission. Come back Young Justice, I miss you...

3 15

[villain au]
the five stars who sing injustice, RYUSEITAI DARK!!!
(i laughed all through drawing this btw)

258 211

Need justice? Just ask Susu! Her free-time activities include serving justice, delivering justice, and justicing.

3 3

One for the Swipe File? Injustice, Y5, Chapter 36.

0 0

Hey I'm Justice, I'm a freelance dabbler. I'm always creating something and learning along the way

8 35