What do you think? I know most people spend Christmas with their family, but if you're loo… https://t.co/eBI12cwYl8

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blassart : RT suehallart: Many thanks to all of you who have RTd and 'liked' recently. Too… https://t.co/qDHrWgVXEz)

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It's nice to be able to use color again after Inktober. https://t.co/ohe8f0OXnV

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Wise men - sneak preview of a new set of Christmas cards - available for preorder very soo… https://t.co/uChSNVf3bV

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Stormtroopers look pretty awesome too…

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Drawlloween Day 8: Zombie
’… M-..mm…aa…rrcoo..oo… hh..haann..dd… g-..ag…agai..n…’

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I finished another sugar skull cat today. I'm hoping to get the last one done tonight, too… http://t.co/xkyd5cTDAt

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An older piece, Yesod, was made on a one week deadline. Thank god for digital painting too… http://t.co/DB5gd1mQUC

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Om nom nom!!! Oh, sorry, I got hungry looking at this delicious looking shirt! I mean, loo… http://t.co/1xtUYWka2t

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Poison 💊
「、、離れても響く せつなさは
ひとり眠る夜の 夢を熱くする 毒薬
抱きしめるたびに 刻まれた
胸の傷が今は 紅い薔薇に見える woo…」布袋寅泰

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【楽天市場】【D】MacBook Airケース 13インチ 「GRID-IT!」標準装備 Cocoo… をブックマークしました。[楽天] http://t.co/E36t5zZcLF

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Emaciated canine, not yet emancipated, and feeling rather emasculated.

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Audrey Hepburn art print, Fashion illustration, Celebertiy portrait, Classice icon art print, Wall art, dessing roo…

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