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(belated)HNY 2022 tiger year! with👹🈳
and good luck for all xiao wanter!

101 703

wow, it looks like Xiao has found Aether, although he and the environment are a bit weird.

here it is January 4, I'm doing well, I'm doing well.

166 1996

fake/pretend relationship qwq

140 704

good luck to xiao wanters tomorrow!!!!! a quick doodle before i go back to work O(--(

41 265

Got photo Taking a picture
taken by Xiao of Xiao

1 10

Both of their reaction to stuff, is eat it . Dont tell me they not meant to be together.

339 2382

Day 1 - Angels/Demons - XiaoAether I'm sorry I'm late I forgot!! I already have 2 more sketches for the following days!!

14 120

Day 1 - Angels/Demons -
I haven't seen many of angel!xiao and demon!aether, so I tried making one

204 1414

Today I read the cutest thing from and I couldn’t resist drawing birb Xiao 😭🙏🏼

246 1249

tw: self-harm

headcanon: xiao feeling so at ease around aether that he is able to fall asleep at night even with his darkest thoughts on mind

75 359

- Ходят слухи, что
мы встречаемся)
-К-кто их распускает!?

8 96