eu tó tentando voltar a produzir mais em massa

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Ya ha pasado rato de que hago algo para mi, así que dije ¡oye! ¿porque no dibujar algo simple pero que quede bonito?
así que he aquí a una de mis OC porque why not!

-Amala y ella te amara a ti- 💕

5 16

Marvel debuts Kamala Khan's new costume on the cover of MAGNIFICENT MS. MARVEL https://t.co/qsgxyvd96J

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Bu eve geri almamalar ne oluyo!

11 147

Goodbye tabanca hello soca season at

Join us tomorrow from 7pm-10pm to fete with your famalay and get your 1 litre Margarita bottles 🎉

20 13

Experimenting with the concept art of another character with . What do you think? Rakoto is a Malagasy vanilla farmer and the the father of Ramala, one of our main character in our game

5 29

Time is running out to enter your original character for the Heroes vs. Villains Contest, judged by M. Night Shyamalan. It’s your last chance to win $3,000 and more! Enter Now: https://t.co/seZrjPkhtu

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New page of my "The Eye of Ramalach" is online.

Is this a real update or an april's fools joke? We got a dilemma!


Have a great week, everyone!

17 44

More Marvel Comics fan art, this time of the with the usual mock cover. Like all my previous posts, drawn in ClipStudio paint/Wacom tablet, colors in Photoshop. Background is from my old Venom piece.

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però a vegades perdo el temps fent paridetes com aquesta 😊😊

0 14

New page of my The Eye of Ramalach is up!

Get Ron to a hospital, dammit!!!


I apologize again for not having the website layout done and barebones still...

19 39

I posted the same picture twice aaaaaaaaaaa
it was supposed to be the first one

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