映画『ブラックパンサー』のコンセプトアート(ConceptArtWorld記事)★Raj Rihal氏の作品 https://t.co/wzgf3WhFdC ★Vance Kovacs氏の作品 https://t.co/s8ZRsAa8w4

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【Concept Art World のトップで紹介】映画『ブレードランナー2049』『トータル・リコール』.. コンセプトアーティスト 田島光二さんの作品 "Kouji Tajima"(ConceptArtWorld記事)https://t.co/wSxN3dNpQ8

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Wonder how Quasimodo would look like if Disney took him in an opposite direction? Well, wonder no more 😉
The concept was created while taking classes at Smirnovschool 🎓
Got inspired by Quasimodo film 😊 

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I have a new called this is about my observations on the and read it here https://t.co/7ErMK8cOyH please don't hesitate me to direct message me with your comments!

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Detail Detail....the difference between something good and something great is attention to detail

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映画『ブレードランナー2049』のコンセプトアート(制作:Daniel Baker/ ConceptArtWorld記事)https://t.co/4zXbHzPF6i

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Check out this Medieval Lord art piece by concept artist Donglu Yu! .

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Child of Light Artwork by character artist and illustrator Yoshitaka Amano!

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Artists hands. Knowing your materials is key to working safely. So when the materials call for it, my bare hands are right in there. But tonight gloves are a must...

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Close Up 2018 12” X 16” acrylic on linen     

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