“You are the most beautiful bird in the world!” she chirped, “You are long, slender, and graceful.” (A small spread from my book about birds and self image. What a mix!)

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Our early character designs (+final artwork) for 'Big Bill' in Valerie Salter's 'Close Your Doors, Keep the Monsters OUT!'🐶

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Happy Monday! Here is another piece from my portfolio: an ode to recess. If you look for clues you can probably get an idea of how old I am....

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One of my faves, Baba Yaga! Was really feeling that retro mortar and pestle.

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Here's a selection of the spreads from 'Funny Cat' that I illustrated for May's issue of Tralalire ☺️ its a lovely story.

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Finishing off my Number Flash card set from way back. I’ll post them all again once done. Here’s nine and ten coming up soon!

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So very lucky person just purchase my Winnie the Pooh print!! Very excited to ship this out today.... if you would like one for yourself, check out my Etsy store! (Link in bio)

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