The unchanged art of Halloween haruna... his smile is so cute this card is truly a blessing 💖💖💖

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Cheek Colours (ほおづきみたいに紅い塊) - Haruna

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(Mobage) "Legend of Arthur and the Holy Grail in Another World" event cards wit Beit and HighxJoker's Natsuki and Haruna!

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hello, purintsuo () !! i was your secret santa for this year ♡

since you had a wide range of what you would like to receive, i ended up with doing harunatsu!

i hope you have a great day and (if you do) an amazing holiday!! 💖

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Huh, this Haruna comic is getting done faster than expected.

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Only haruna left now

I'm pretty certain that Payton is a kid who moves all over the place when she is asleep. In the period he was a single parent i think he often woke up like this.

When sandwich between them, there wouldn't be much room for her to wiggle around =P

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Iikubo Haruna "Harunan"

Thank you for all your hard work.
Have a good luck for your new path!

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Ainme: bb-haruna: 艦これ5周年 | by:  蒼月 朔 Permission obtained from artist...

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[作家情報]時松はるなTOKIMATSU Haruna 12/12明日から新宿タカシマヤで始まる「小さなアートのクリスマス展」に新作3点を出品します。ツリーや天使がクリスマス気分を盛り上げてくれます!是非ご高覧下さい。2018. 12/12水-12/25火 新宿髙島屋10階美術画廊(東京・新宿)

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sakurajima mai x haruna <3

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