Shonen Jump to Debut 2 Series From Mitsukubi Condor, Koi no Cupid Yakenohara Jin Creators

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danny sexbang has the same palette as wadanohara,,, i did what i had to do

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大海原と大海原 - 海底囚人
Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea.

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If samekichi was in the red sea, he would convert wada and make her clothes similar to him(?)

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Sarishinohara bookmark set also available @ , At Soushin x Forunesia booth K4-K5!

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cannot stop thinking about yours covers whenever listening to sarishinohara-series ;;q;;

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"A pesar de haber dado lo mejor de mí, puede que no sea posible..."
Tsukasa Shinohara

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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
wadanohara fanart

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Today (11.06 JST) is the birthday of Sunohara Mei from Clannad! Let's celebrate~ 🎂

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Today (11.06 JST) is the birthday of Sunohara Mei from Clannad! Let's celebrate~ 🎂

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