Digimon Adventure (2020) TV anime character artwork of Kōshirō "Izzy" Izumi (voiced by Yumiko Kobayashi) & Tentomon (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) and Sora Takenouchi (voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi) & Piyomon/Biyomon (voiced by Atori Shigematsu).

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chiharu sawashiro (banri settsu)

-keiji maeda (ikemen sengoku)
as of writing, his route is not out yet in the jp version, but his voice was announced just a few hours ago!)

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(@/cherrikissu) i know this is basically cheating the system

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The flowers were inspired by his earlier Minecraft skin
(but they make me think about SU)

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Candy or Pie?

Character of (Natsu)

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collab with a good friend (u can find him on deviantart & instagram: zeniitsu)
He made the lineart and I colored it :3

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シュカ「こんな世界は絶対に間違ってる」 ダーウィンズゲーム(19) (少年チャンピオンコミックス BESSATSU) [ FLIPFLOPs ] [楽天] https://t.co/sOvaRNEVRX

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OPに使われるの最高 ダーウィンズゲーム(18) (少年チャンピオンコミックス BESSATSU) [ FLIPFLOPs ] [楽天] https://t.co/jwHTH5lHjm

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ねこた(neko_dxm) グラウ
不死鳥(agedoriosu) セス
朱理(syuridesu) ジュリオ
ブー(bluemiso99) レッヒル

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(iiokusuri-ga arimasu)
(mii yaa dii dii khráp)

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I have too many... but here's a few:
Ginger (TailsxCream)
Kindle and Venice (SilverxBlaze)
Tiki-La (KnucklesxJulie-Su)
Kirimi (ManicxMina)

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sylvie (dorei to no seikatsu) by okuriyuku https://t.co/NqKijZr0Wr

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XboxOne「World of Warships: Legends」陸奥プレミアムパックが配信開始、価格は4650円。荘厳たる日本戦艦『陸奥(MUTSU)』で敵を出し抜け!

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Me chamo Alan (ou AfroΠtosu), sou ilustrador e quadrinista no Instagram sou uma bixa preta nortista tentando fazer seu nome🌈
IG: https://t.co/PPGuq0StYY
Artistas que amo:

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mizuhashi parsee by hoshizuki (seigetsu) https://t.co/3wRiFqMNr2

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☆彡.。Daily Lives of ARGONAVIS

The next εpsilonΦ comic features the popular younger twin bassist, Kanata Nijo. Just how many people are aware of the truth behind that cheerful face?

illustration by みつ (@ u4mitsu) https://t.co/THgBX1oKsx

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