I dreamed Boss as a pet cat yesterday and I don’t wanna wake up OMG…… He is so tiny so adorable……🥲🥲

545 3079

Boss and Augustus


25 246

✨Luca Kaneshiro ✨
i tried to fix it' s quality somehow 👉🏻👈🏻🥲

0 4

Lustea Kaneshiro
Can be used as a sticker.

1 22

POG POG way way way
POG POG way POG way POG POG🎶♪( ´▽`)

9 174

when boss forgets to feed augustus(again)


0 16

Boss is cute! Though he is naive, his stream always radiates positive energy.I'm often infected with this happiness when hearing the Luca's laughter.
I'm honored to meet luxiem at the end of 2021, and met the cheerful and sunny luca. I wish you happiness always!

0 10

in the end i decided to keep it in line art form and just scan and color it in my pc coz i want both colored and b&w version then made a wallie for my cp and pc with it but why is it that when i make something nice it takes me days to finish XD

7 103

第一次畫boss 他真的好可愛555

4 36

First time drawing vtuber and it’s lucy! 🥺 POGGG it’s for the Chinese New Year 💛💛💛

7 45


By 墨幽

0 1