bob and bosip right? but what if minus? hmm? minus bob and bosip? oh boy

2 18

hi lol i know i'm late

anyway Congrats on 100k Subs !! Here's some art for uuu

10 75


bosip shork staring at you ig

4 32

Congratulation for hitting 100k Subs

10 110

jajahsjajsjajsja sorry a bit late but congrats on 100k!

i cannot draw a man, i admit it

1 13

some doodles so far from this magicaldraw! it's still open so join if you'd like... 👀

20 160

Amor (), because I wanted to draw him. 😅

4 18

rainy bob...!

this is my first time doing digital painting and i think im pretty proud of it! i mostly like the atmosphere, because i enjoy rainy vibes :]

(also hope you're feeling better dude!)

44 273

I had to draw on Ms Paint... It was hard and now my wrist hurts but I had fun (Check out my main !) Tags:

Characters by:

20 194

Sleepy Boder, this was fun to draw (≧▽≦)


3 23

*re-upload,forgot the hashtag*

Guys look it's him :DDD!
and the sketch
now I have 2 BnB drawings :D

Bob by : (Follow him,he's cool)

2 20

No motivation to post stuff today so have sleeby bob

Also phone art funni moment

5 49

won't hurt if I draw li'l Bob

5 45

bob bosip: breedable and submissive week
when I heard was redrawing his body pillow image I wanted to see how I would redraw it and oh boy.......mine is so much worse. amor if you don't retweet this I understand lmaoo

7 45

Bowaev my beloved. Dude he's so cute I love him

12 115