
Uncanny X-Men (2015)

written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Kris Anka & Antonio Fabela

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Garkov is just wonderful: Markov chains from old Garfield comics: http://t.co/qXlLhY7WQM

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New talent at Marvel comics: Ashley A. Woods ()

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behold, my favorite three-panel sequence in all of DC comics:

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COMICS: Marvel Releases New Series of Hip-Hop Inspired Variant Album Covers

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COMICS: 6-Page Preview and Variant Covers for Secret Wars: Civil War

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Image Comics: tutte le 19 nuove serie annunciate all'Image Expo: http://t.co/UQzRPzkQpt

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COMICS: Details And Closer Look At New AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Suit And Spider-Mobile

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This comic might be a bit too re-VEAL-ing. GET IT? OH MAN–!

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Street Angel comics:

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RETWEET And FOLLOW For Your Chance To Win A Copy Of The ACTION COMICS: SUPERDOOM Hardcover

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Since iOS update I'm seeing lots of this / taking minutes not seconds to load comics:

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webcomics: Freelancer. THESE FACES. We're getting some nifty char development right now! http://t.co/QXAYJdAAX5

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National Comics: Looker (DC Comics), portadón de

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o hey recent comics: DREAM SKILLS - lady swordfighting comic and AREM - metroid tribute comic! http://t.co/qxj90d2fSu

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