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A creature dressed as a witch and riding a broom through a graveyard with reddish-orange typographic writing is seen in an orange landscape.

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Several gravestones, a witch in the middle of a blue moon, and a blue gradient kind of typographic text are all depicted in a blue landscape.

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Along with typographic text, a purple landscape shows a girl dressed as a witch flying on a broom above a mansion with gravestones and couple of pumpkins.

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A landscape show a big pair of glowing yellow pumpkins, as well as a spider web covered in different ornaments and dark typographic text.

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They dressed as monsters and one enormous mansion with a few decorations that feature orange-colored cursive typographic text.

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A spirit monster who’s a master of the blade, with talents refined by the gods themselves; she can make a thousand slashes, each one as accurate as the last.

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A spirit monster who has the power to conjure blizzards with just her thoughts and cast a single spell to freeze entire rivers.

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A spirit monster who dragged into the mirror and was now in a fantasy world; she had entered her own magnificent dimension, thanks to the jade mirror.

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A spirit monster who formed a relationship with a rare white snake, which eventually became its closest buddy; they explored the depths of the wild together.

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A spirit monster who coped with opponents arriving from several angles by getting their heads to think about different perspectives all at once.

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A Pokémon who sweeps its tongue in a wave-like manner to feed, which draws food to its mouth. It consumes almost anything within its reach.

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A Pokémon who is eager to cause trouble and seize anything it wants because of its might. It keeps its riches at a location thats known to it.

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A Pokémon who collects various items, including rocks and drops them from great heights; it likes to drop things that make a lot of noise.

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A Pokemon who is affectionate and enjoys playing with kids. When defending its family, it will instead show its teeth and adopt a commanding demeanor.

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A Pokémon whose heavy fat allows for superb protection; its well-developed jaw and fangs are powerful to crush through rocks.

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A strawberry ice cream milkshake is a tasty and delightful chilled beverage prepared with blended strawberries, ice cream, milk, and sugar.

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