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Hunter Anniversary!!
9 years have passed since the first chapter of Digimon Hunters was released!!
I know that this series is not very loved by the fans, but I have great affection for it x3

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I will get back to getting more Shoutmon pics in the future, but heres a reminder of how special his smile is <3

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Trying to get a hold of Luminamon's design. I always seem to struggle drawing relatively simple characters. It doesn't make sense...

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Remember the other drawing that I suggested redrawing?
Well, I got inspiration and a little free time, and here is the result. Although I took the crown from Taiki, sorry ^^'

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I have always wondered what the fusion between these two would be like.
I will keep thinking that they can't, because Gumdramon doesn't reach the King for being so dwarf🤣

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The promised redraw...
I don't like how I draw, but I admit that the difference in my style from 2017 to this year has improved a lot x3
[I struggled painting the grass. I still have to learn^^']

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Draw these in 2017, and now I want to redraw them x3
But I can't decide which one to redraw, Can you decide for me😅?
🔁for the General and the King
❤️for the Hunter duo
See you in 24 hours😅

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・ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 五期




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[I really would have liked such an interaction between the leaders in Hunter ^^']

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These two are among my favorite leaders, so sometimes it hurts to see that they do not have good reviews among fans, especially Tagiru, as Hunter is a canon filler saga^^'

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