Message✉️ 💞
* Chemistry before falling in love
Created by: 木鬼
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
CR: WB / -木鬼-

Original Post:

442 1416

木鬼Mu Gui donated RMB500,000 to China Youth Development Foundation for building one Hope Primary School on March 11, 2021.

42 168

On this day four years ago, the story started in the flower field.
Four years later, we plant a seed of hope and love.
May it bloom all over mountains and plains in days to come.
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
CR: WB / -木鬼-

56 181

보보 졸려염...
cr. -木鬼-

130 388

[Gallery] Wallpaper × 9
Bobi and Zanbi wish you all happy OX year!㊗️🎉(1/3)

Cr.麦兜白 and -木鬼-

150 354

[Comics] 駆け落ち 2

37 253

[Comics] 駆け落ち

67 408

[Gallery]Chinese New Year present:
Red braided bracelet
Red underwears- enough for one year
(Cr.-木鬼- Mu Gui

155 408

Title: Elope (3/3)
Created by: Mugui
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
CR: WB / -木鬼-

1 7

Title: Elope (2/3)
Created by: Mugui
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
CR: WB / -木鬼-

1 6

Title: Elope (1/3)
Created by: Mugui
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
CR: WB / -木鬼-

1 8

🐢아이고! 토끼야 괜찮아??
🐰웅웅 괜찬아 고마워 :)
🐦토끼야 무슨일이야?
옷이 왜이렇게 더러워졌어?
🐰아 내가 조심성이 없어서 넘어졌엉 ^^;;
🐰웅! 고마워~

🐷쟌비!! 왜이렇게 늦었어???? 걱정해써ㅠ
🐰( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄꒳ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )으아앙😭
cr. -木鬼-

85 151

Title: Zanbi's Strength
Created by: Mugui
Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP
Weibo ID: -木鬼-

2 18

더욱 만족스러운 마사지를 위해
장비까지 장착한 쟌비 😂
~마사지 후~
🐇기운없어 털-썩
cr. -木鬼-

43 92

🐷쟌쟌 침대가서 자~~

🦁쟌비~ 나 마사지좀 해주라
🦁너무 약해...
🐇이렇게는 어때?!
🦁웅웅 조아....😪
cr. -木鬼-

40 66

น่ารักใจเจ็บบบบบบบ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


159 335

[Reposted with permission]
Wow so it was Bobi ~ !
Cre : -木鬼-

249 933

🐰: ด้ายแดง แล้วก็...
🐰: กางเกงใน!!!

🐰: ก็ป๋อป๋อไม่อยากใส่สีแดงนี่ งั้นใส่ไว้ข้างในละกานเนอะ เตรียมไว้ให้แล้ว1ปีเต็มเยย!!

Cr.-木鬼- (ผู้วาด)

933 1195

쟌쟈니의 보보 새해 선물🎁
🐰빨간 팔찌랑~
빨간 팬티!! ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ 쨘!
(1년치 뒤에 쌓여있음)
cr. -木鬼-

55 118