에이스 배송완료

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Some of the FFT Comics im reposting

''Messy Room'' FFT Comic
''Supermarket'' FFT Comic

My other Social Media:

Insta: BoredArtist425
Artfol: boredartist425

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1:ドラクエ3 女勇者ちゃんが好き
2:FFT アイテム士♀と陰陽師♂が好き
3:聖剣3 ケヴィンたんが大好き
4:るろうに剣心-十勇士陰謀編- 記憶喪失主人公最高に良き~~~
5:ディバインゲート フレイムたん最高なんだよな~~~!あと、ディバゲなかったら多分もう絵を描いてない

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FFT is often hailed as nailing most of these: the design of the characters that you can use is one of the most memorable aspects: buildcrafting for units was half the fun in FFT. Enemy Design was less interesting admittedly, but FFT map design is unparalleled

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New week, new schedule! Big week! Start with bird v soul on Monday before doing a FFT one shot on LitroTheBronze 's channel on Tues, more Eberron adventure on Weds, and finishing the week with my 3D REDEBUT ON FRIDAY!!! I cant wait to see you all there!

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