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Going Down! Another one from my Empire City book. Both my books will be on sale at @c2e2 next weekend. Booth 1575. #airplane #artist #vectorart #illustration @AdobeCreate
Abraham Janssens
The Agrippine Sibyl
Netherlands (c. 1575)
Düsseldorf, Kunst Palast
photo by @francesdath
Lucas d'Heere'e ait Solak Neferi ve Yeniçeri Tüfekçisi çizimi (1575)
タリスとバードの「カンティオーネス・サクレ 1575」。2009‐10年に録音された新盤が届いた。OBSIDIAN: CD706。デイヴィッド・スキナー指揮/アラミレの演奏。アラミレは混声合唱団。女声はノン・ヴィブラートの歌声が少年の歌声を思わせる。和声感がいい。ぶあつく重なる場面もオルガンのように響く。
La « Reine Blanche »
Aînée d'une grande famille de Lorraine, elle devient reine de France en épousant en 1575 le roi Henri III. A la mort de son mari, elle se voile de blanc, d'où ce surnom.
#QuiEsTu👤 : Louise de Lorraine
Guido Reni (Bologna, 4 novembre 1575 – Bologna, 18 agosto 1642) Il suicidio di Cleopatra (circa 1625-1626), Bildergalerie (Sanssouci), Potsdam #DonneInArte
Guido Reni 🎨
* 4.11.1575; † 18.8.1642
Girl with rose 🌹
#OTD #ArteYArt
@Spiros209 @gerdibeuvink @maype7 @dianadep1 @alleosa @CristianeGLima
Novembre è mese di nascite importanti per l'arte del Seicento. Il #4Novembre, ma del 1575, nasceva a #Bologna Guido Reni. Lo ricordiamo con il Putto dormiente esposto a Palazzo Barberini
Abraham Janssens
The Agrippine Sibyl
Netherlands (c. 1575)
Düsseldorf, Kunst Palast
photo by @francesdath
via https://t.co/xK5oBlODux
1575 ドーナツどうぞ
Have doughnuts.
☆ ハリネズミ雑貨イベント
HARIWOOD @東急ハンズ 博多店5F
10/5日(木) ~ (約1ヶ月の開催予定)
#illustration #hedgehog #polarbear #namiharinezumi #イラスト #ハリネズミ #シロクマ #なみはりねずみ
Jacopo da Ponte, called Bassano, belonged to a family of painters during the late #Renaissance. "Entry into the Ark" is one of a series of narrative paintings. Join a free tour of the European collection tomorrow at 2pm.
[c.1575-1580. Gift of G. Edward Reahl, Jr., M.D. 1998.411]
Anonymous Italian Artist
Plaque with Personification of Africa or Asia
Venice, Italy (c. 1550-1575)
stamped and gilded iron, 14.2 x 7.2 cm
The Walters Art Museum