“Woman Holding Up a Parasol” from the series Ten Classes of Women’s Physiognomy, by Kitagawa Utamaro (ca. 1754–1806)

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Daily favourites from the Museum, from theme to theme in gleeful disorder, according to the inspiration of the moment.
W. Hogarth, 1754/55 - Sir John Soane's Museum, London
The Virtual Wine Museum, 1,050 works from 30 countries

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The Flagellation of Christ c. 1754 Oil on canvas

Corrado Giaquinto 1703-66 🇮🇹
Presents us with sketchy style a very intense and expressive work, especially the figure of Christ, almost demolished and with a gesture of pain resigned


By J.G.N.

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The Prayer in the Orchard c. 1754 Oil on canvas

C.Giaquinto 1703-66 🇮🇹

It's part of a serie of canvases dedicated to the Passion Of Christ.This appears praying while the apostles sleep in the distance, the soldiers avance to their encounter

By J.G.N. Art Historian

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“Venus Fastens the Girdle for Juno”, Andrea Appiani (1754 – 1817), Italian

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病死(1181・治承5年閏2月4日、太政大臣)、#平敦盛 戦死(1184・元暦元年2月7日、武将、#一ノ谷の戦い)、#赤穂浪士 切腹(1703・元禄16年2月4日)、木曽三川の治水工事(1754・宝暦4年2月27日、#宝暦治水事件)、#アンクル・トムの小屋 刊行(1852)、つづく

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Artist: free_style_(yohan1754)
Source: https://t.co/tyWoAoxHzs

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Artist: free_style_(yohan1754)
Source: https://t.co/tyWoAoxHzs

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Died in 1809: Swedish painter (1754-1809)

Portrait of Johan Wilhelm Liljencrantz (1768-1816), 1795

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Died in 1809: Swedish painter (1754-1809)

Portrait of Hedvig Elisabet Bohman (1729-1805), 1770s

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🦀 Poissons, ecrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires,.
A Amsterdam, Chez Reinier & Josué Ottens, 1754.

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🍃 The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands:.
London: printed for C. Marsh [etc.]1754.

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explorer Nicolas Baudin was born in 1754. He is best known for his expedition to in 1800-1804. The account of this is a sure in our online inventory:


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🦀 Poissons, ecrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires,.
A Amsterdam, Chez Reinier & Josué Ottens, 1754.

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【グラブル】ぐらぶるっ!1754話 魔法少女衣装に着替えたモニカ https://t.co/oTX7qxZ2Eu

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【グランブルーファンタジー】【4コマ更新】『ぐらぶるっ!』第1754話「普通の魔法提督編」を公開いたしました!4コマ見るにはこちら(スマホでアクセス!)⇒ https://t.co/VhSo5LSsif

847 1616

🍃 The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands:.
London: printed for C. Marsh [etc.]1754.

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amoureux, galant et libertin La Bascule, vers 1750-1752 - La Bergère, vers 1752-1754 https://t.co/FuVhbdUKDI

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