キャラ:千代田 桃

(1755 - 1793)



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Service de présentation en porcelaine de Vincennes, vers 1755, dans son coffret aux armes princières (Mm Elisabeth?), vente Treasures 10 décembre

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➤ Mientras conservaba colores claros y brillantes del S.XVIII, Greuze introdujo un realismo de influencia 🇳🇱en el retrato de género francés; a través de expresiones faciales y gestos dramáticos.
➤ “Cabeza de anciano”, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1755,
🧶 /FIN

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Born in 1755: , King of France (1755-1824)

Portrait by (1771-1835), ca. 1817

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2 November 1755, Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna von Österreich-Lothringen aka Marie-Antoinette is born as fifteenth child of Empress Maria-Theresa and Emperor Francis I, who was a grandchild of Monsieur.

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今日は11月2日…かのマリー・アントワネットの誕生日(1755年11月2日)ということで、拙作「悪役令嬢に転生したはずがマリー・アントワネットでした」のアントワネットちゃんのお祝いイラストを描きました。Bon anniversaire !

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Thomas Hudson(1701-1779)English portrait painter. Most prolific between 1740 & 1760 &, from 1745 until 1755 was the most successful London portraitist. Works may be seen in art galleries throughout the United Kingdom.

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Opening comms like this for $35 USD
Contact me through email (iishoart.com) or discord (iisho#1755) if you want to buy ksadjfksjdskjdvhb
Can only do paypal soz

Expect a headshot but I might do like a bust or half body or something

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This week in Stillingfleet's 1755 Norfolk "Wind high; Rooks sport and dash about as in play, and repair their nests". Chestnut leaves grow yellow as Birch trees turn to gold. Marsh Elder grows pink in the shortening days.

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4 octobre 1791 Les 492 membres présents à la séance de l’#Assemblée présidée par (1755-1840) jurent fidélité à la Les membres absents ce jour devront prêter serment avant d’être admis à voter dans l’Assemblée nouvellement constituée.

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Capriccio de las ruinas romanas con el Panteón, c.1755 de Giovanni Paolo Pannini

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Pintora Francesa

"Esa pasión (el arte) no ha disminuido jamás. Incluso ha ido creciendo con el tiempo, porque hoy me siento hechizada por él tanto como siempre, y lo estaré, espero, hasta la hora de la muerte"
🖊️ Marie V-Lebrun

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Where did summer go? Celebrate the official first day of fall with François "The Four Seasons: Autumn."

François Boucher, The Four Seasons: Autumn, 1755. Oil on canvas

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Tiepelo was arguably the greatest decorative painter from Italy. He’s best known for his magnificent painted ceilings. In this case it’s a mythological canvas of Apollo pursuing Daphne (c1755/60)

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This week in Stillingfleet's 1755 as ferns turn brown in cooler weather, the Woodlark sings, and Swallows depart. A full moon rises over the Norfolk countryside.

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"Arrivée de l'ambassadeur français à Constantinople, par un peintre vénitien anonyme, vers 1750." Il s'agit peut être du comte de Vergennes, qui fut envoyé en Turquie en 1755.

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“Céfalo y Procris” es una pintura Rococó del artista francés, Jean-Honoré Fragonard realizada en 1755. La suavidad de su estilo y los tonos pastel no ocultan la tragedia de este mito. Céfalo al salir de caza hiere mortalmente por error a su amada Procris.

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Berger also observed two fruit trees, Mulberry and Fig, fading in that first week of September, 1755.

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