Eero Järnefelt, Figuuriharjoitelma maalaukseen Aurora-seura (kolme miestä pöydän ympärillä) ; keskeneräinen, 1915

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The Art of the Autochrome Silhouette 💕 I have cleaned & enhanced these wonderful examples of glass plate silhouettes, taken respectively by Julien Gérardin (1908); Friedrich Paneth (1924), Frank Hurley (The Endurance, 1915) & Paneth again (1925). They are not colourised.

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Alcyone [Halcyone is seeking her husband Ceyx] – Herbert James Draper, 1915. [Private collection].

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Stettheimer painted a revolutionary self-portrait in 1915, aged 45. This was her bold statement of belief & unprecedented. She is expressing her own agency & belief. Family Portrait (1915), Flowers (c1915), Jenny & Genevieve (1915-6) & Nude Self-Portrait (1915)

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Walter Crane🎨 (1845 - 1915).

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General map of the state of S. Paulo; with indications on agriculture, commerce, public education, industry and colonization (1915)

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Illustration of Walter Stenström's The boy and the trolls or The Adventure in childrens' anthology Among pixies and trolls, a collection of childrens' stories, by Swedish illustrator and painter John Bauer (1915).

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John Singer Sargent, Reclining Male Nude, Draped, c. 1890 - 1915

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Actress Sally Phipps, who was active in film and Broadway from 1915-1931, photographed in the perfect Art Deco pose by Max Munn Autry. 1929.

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「ヴァルテル・モリーノ(Walter Molino、1915年11月5日 - 1997年12月8日)は、イタリアの漫画家・イラストレーター。日本語ではウォルター・モリノの読みで言及されることも多い」こういうのどっちを使うべきか迷う。 のイラストに通じるものを感じる。最初の2枚はモリーノ、次の2枚は

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Self Portrait, a Study, 1915

Helene Schjerfbeck (1862 - 1946)

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Oscar Howe (Yanktonai Dakota, 1915–1983), Dance of the Heyoka, 1954.

© Oscar Howe Estate

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Edward Robert Hughes (1851 - 1914) The Valkyrie’s Vigil (1915, detail)

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Itsuki bought for 0.02 ETH by tOast_andbagels from BooshTK

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John Singer Sargent, Kneeling Male Nude with Drapery, c. 1890 - 1915

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· El Llatzeret (Illa des Llatzaret), Port de Maó, Maó (Menorca) - "Die Balearen" (1869-1891) - Gravat de l'Arxiduc Lluís Salvador d'Àustria (1847-1915)

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1· Alcalfar (Alcaufar), Sant Lluís (Menorca) - "Die Balearen" (1869-1891) - Gravat de l'Arxiduc Lluís Salvador d'Àustria (1847-1915)
2· Alcalfar (Alcaufar), Sant Lluís (Menorca) - 1935 - Joan Vives Llull

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