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i cant even explain this drawing i just like being silly about wesker

31 179

Is there a way to eliminate war from the world and achieve world peace?

there is actually

It is to create a "world government".

This is by no means a pipe dream, but a concept that has been discussed many times by many people. For example, the eminent scientist Albert Einstein… https://t.co/fXCbBaL9Kv

7 83

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicis..LBERT EINSTEIN-SDuntitled

0 1

テイラー・スウィフトの衣装は誰が作ったか全部発表されてる。アルバムごとに変わって私は「folklore」の時のこのパープルのシフォンドレスが一番素敵と思った。Alberta Ferrettiデザイン  


7 123

I've got Albertaceratops designs up for offers!
More info below, RTs appreciated 💖

3 9

I am so excited! I’m doing a book reading of my latest book, ‘Backyard Jungle’ at the Santa Ana Zoo on April 12!

0 0

"Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water."
Albert Szent-Gyorgy

8 55

“Si l'homme échoue à concilier la justice et la liberté, alors il échoue à tout.” Albert Camus

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🎭 El rondallaire Albert explicarà a la Biblioteca de una selecció de contes sobre en per celebrar l'

📆 Dj 23/03
⏰ 17.30h

🆓 Activitat familiar gratuïta en el marc del festival de i

3 7


22 99

"The stories in this collection explore motherhood through the horror lens."—Marianne Halbert  

Coming March 31st: https://t.co/irrFwuX9RG 

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