画質 高画質

wrote a story about my OCS and how they met in the forest as kids! Nothing special, but I always have fun writing. And two smaller mixed medium arts too. You can read the full story on my Tumblr! Here's the link if you wanna read it https://t.co/4uhXkGwJ14

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Pretty lady welcomed me aaa😳 also hosty💕 and the boyfriends that I got too lazy to color I'm sorry ;;

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My terrible sketches FAR too late XD I'm still working on a couple more! Thanks again to for organising the art party. I had a lot of fun admiring all the lovely WoLs! Drawings are: Stellaris (), Roland (), & Skypirate💜

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some doodles of folks from !

Sweet rozen!! Kara and Eistera! I love ya characters

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*wanted to practice my new eye style so ye 🤓*

Hope you like it 🌸🫣, drawn by me being shy af 🫣

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A lovely lizard with captivating eyes.

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Popped by and had a fun time having Mitsuzo dance on macarons and tables! Even drew a fellow partygoer!

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we stayed outside most of the time but it doesn't matter since it was well spent drawing this. :3

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