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Two Old Two New Comic Book Podcast ep #15 Immortal Hulk & Fantastic Four https://t.co/aLXDfM53NA #PodernFamily @GothamKnight13 @Lavahog #Actioncomics #Fantasticfour #Immortalhulk #Drstrange
Thank you for all the kind words on my cover to #Superman #1.
Here is my cover to #ACTIONCOMICS #1002.
Please ask your comic shop to order our new @DCComics series from @BRIANMBENDIS & myself called #COVER: https://t.co/zdotmSKeQl
@GailSimone Tyler Kirkman’s #LexLuthor art for #ActionComics - when I finally got to see Lex be a full out superhero, ripped armor and all 😍✨
Office zombies! Space pirates! Savage aliens! Galactic squid! Cubicles has it all going on! #comics #scificomics #humor #actioncomics #allagescomics #officehumor https://t.co/2zwxxykWD4 https://t.co/0EiZpKKn5u
Portadones para el #ActionComics 1.001 @DCComics con arte de @FrancisManapul y David Mack.
Reseñita de #ActionComics 8 editado por @eccediciones . No os la perdáis. https://t.co/jusqB7LQX1
Is it a bird, is it a plane? Nope, it's @markreihill *cough* Superman! https://t.co/lsNOPAjDRf #superman #actioncomics #comicbookguys #freecomicbookday
Special Episode! Tim and Doyle attended @HoJComics for the release of Action Comics 1000! These are the interviews and discussions during that event
#ActionComics1000 #ActionComics1K #AC1000 #DCComics #HallOfJusticeComics #outsidethelongbox #podernfamily
This was the 1st Action Comics cover I did with penciller Ian Churchill back in 2000. Action #766. @DCComics #ActionComics1000 #ACTION1000 #Superman #ManOfSteel #Batman #JusticeLeague @Demonpuppy
8.5 x 11 pen. brush. watercolor. copic marker. color pencil
#ActionComics1000 #Superman80
Action Comics hace 80 años publicó su #1 donde debutó el Hombre de Acero, gracias a Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster por crear a un ícono indiscutible de la cultura popular... #Superman80 #ActionComics1000 #Superman80 #Happy80thAnniversary #SupermanDay #dccomics #80YearsOfSuperman
Was #Batman #45 fun or just fine? #Superman turns 80, #Titans talk, Slabbing debate, #WildWildCountry vs #LostInSpace and MORE #comicbooks #ActionComics1000
https://t.co/Fj0J5mnuUV … … … …
https://t.co/xYgT92TCRW … … … …
Happy Birthday Kal-El 💪🎂 #ActionComics1000 #Superman80
#Superman #makingcomics #dccomics
Check out my comic book show where I review Mighty Morphin #PowerRangers #26, #ActionComics 1000, The Amazing #SpiderMan #799, Ms. Marvel #29, Fence #5, #Xena #3, #Superman #45, #Batman #45, Infidel #2, Kick Ass #3, #XMen Gold #26, and more https://t.co/oCL5CIwycj
Repost! Cause #ActionComics1000 came out today!! Ultra kudos to Siegel and Shuster for creating a timeless champion of good!! @DCComics