
146 667

“Can u be my wife?”

[Reproduced with authorization]
Art by daquaxiaotang from Lofter

237 1629

Mmm anyone else think about in crimson peak? Wonder which characters they would be... definitely nothing sussy... hmm.... 🤔

11 69

Open alt caption for spicy povs 🥰🥰. Bottom Box💙 Vottom Vox❤️

3 47


74 456

soooooooo vox lamia anyone?
Restarting this piece so that it works better but posting this for y'all snake lovers out there~

2 30

“sleep together”

[Reproduced with authorization]
Art by lofter:JoevA

201 2697

[Reproduced with authorization]

“Is maid outfit”

26 357

Butcher (serial killer?)💙 taking care of merman ❤️

I went ham on the blood now it looks messy

11 216

Good evening,milord,You said you liked face fuck.
Is it like this?

40 453