The summer of 2017... Passing Through. Msg to purchase.

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Sun Kissed Shores - Smoke Lake Msg me for details

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In progress... from my last visit to Follow me on fb

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Kim Atkins, OSA, is showing "Algonquin Park HW 69 in February" as part of MOSAIC.

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Spectacular skies in yesterday for new paintings. Stay tuned.

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Sunkissed Shores-Smoke Lake 30x30" oil on canvas. Avail.

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Congrats to Algonquinsue today on 1st in the Doodles compo with "Tornado doodle"!

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Canoe Lake - Late Evening 18x36" oil on canvas. Available. .

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Early Spring on Opeongo. Oil 16x20" Available.

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Algonquin Vision. Oil sketch 8x10" avail now or at Art Walk this weekend

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Majestic Algonquin. 16x48" oil western interior lake. Contact me to purchase

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1914 Sunset Algonquin Park

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Foer's "Algonquin Afternoon" captures the beauty and heart of Ontario's north.

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