Some big sprites in this one, lots of bullets, a good arcade conversion of the run and gun platformer, looks amazing on all systems

15 47

Movie games were very hit & miss, thankfully Hunt for Red October was a hit for me, all the important movie scenes are played out as action sequences in the game

6 21

If you were a kid in the then you knew about there was also some really good based on the little rodent, here is Double Trouble

9 23

I always rave about this game, you understand what you have to do instantly, you get better, and once you complete all the levels they become speed runs

8 33

What a great game series on the old micros, the GFX and the cool comic book style with the story, had that 50's Sci-Fi vibe down very well, a classic

9 26

These look like pretty decent versions of this game, they all have nice visuals, Amstrad version looks really nice, I wonder what they play like.

10 21

Couldn't get enough of this game, I think the Jet Ski's even today are great, how the water sprays, only faults I would say, the instant stopping and obstacle boundaries

6 18

Interesting game this, bit like a Beach Head type game, stay on a Train while you navigate your escape from Normandy, multiple routes to go down.

4 16

A very short lived Cartoon and a somewhat ok game, I enjoyed it, it's a platform adventure type game, can be frustrating but worth playing.

5 12

I don't think I anticipated a movie more that BTTF 2, so I was really disappointed with the game, although pleasing visually, it was hard and a bit boring.

11 30

It's amazing they got this to run on the tbh, but playing it today, it's not fun, as a technical achievement top marks, but 4 fps is unplayable

10 32

Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: RoboCop
Publisher: Ocean
Version: Amstrad CPC
Year: 1988

39 212

Good fun game, hard to play on the Spectrum, enjoyed the NES version the most, but the was the first time I played it

6 11

Championship Sprint, I feel like the had lots of these type games, not the first but it's a good one, it came with it's own track editor, which was nice.

7 20

Although I loved the version of this, it was the ZX I played first and enjoyed it, I think it captures the Cartoon very well

5 27

The Shadows Of Mordor (follow up to Lord Of The Rings) had several different title screens. Here are the Spectrum, C64, Amstrad and DOS ones. There was also a black and white Apple one.

2 7

One of the best games on the Laser Squad, a genre that would bring us all created by the same people, one of the best games ever to hit

13 32